There is extreme fishing and then is going to such extremes that you have a rod and a worm-like lure fused to your face. Quite frankly it’s the type of commitment we admire. Meet the Tasselled Anglerfish the ultimate fisher.
Nothing escapes this angler. It’s the master of disguise with camouflage so brilliant it can sit out in the open and not be seen. Silent and still it either waits for their prey to pass or lures their victims by casting the rod and worm-like bait.
And in the sea there is no such thing as a free feed. Any fish that tries to take the bait is swallowed whole, no time for chewing! It’s expandable mouth acting like a vacuum to suck up its prey. From beginning to mouth filling end, it’s all over in a split second.
Fish fall for the lure every time, hook, line and sinker.
What is really cool is that this is the first time that this behaviour has been filmed in high speed and the results are nothing short of spectacular.
PLEASE NOTE: Do not try this at home. Sticking a rod and worm-like lure to your face could result in untold injuries and years embarrassment.
PS. In case you haven’t guessed and before there is a revolt….this NOT Jamie Seymour in the video. This is our resident mermaid and Aquatic Scientist Sheree Marris, so please be kind. We wanted to inject a bit of estrogen into the videos and show women in science.