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This spider sucks
August 1, 2015|Animal Facts

This spider sucks

This spider sucks

We built the Sydney Funnel Web Spider up in our last blog, only to now tear it down and call it sucky in this one! But sadly it’s the truth, they do suck and they have to as they don’t have any teeth for chewing their food.

When they’ve found dinner, which is usually other creepy crawlies such as beetles and cockroaches, they rear up with a whole lot of attitude and stab their fangs down and into their prey delivering a powerful venom that paralyses it. This sounds impressive and it’s awesome to watch, but without any teeth how do they eat it?

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July 30, 2015|Additional info



They’re like the gangster of the spider world, big, brutish, hairy and downright scary. The kind of spider you wouldn’t want to bump into in a dark alley. Mess with the Sydney Funnel Web Spider and you could find yourself going home in body bag.

Admittedly this spider has a bad reputation and we’re really not helping here. So, appearances and gangster reputation aside, they pretty impressive creatures. Their signature is a set of thick fangs, which would make Dracula blush.

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Male venom more toxic
July 28, 2015|Animal Facts

Male venom more toxic

Male venom more toxic

It seems males and females are not created equal, especially when it comes to venom. Enter the Sydney Funnel Web spider, a hairy and scary looking spider that can be found in the moist cool forest areas of ….you guessed it, Sydney Australia.

Life starts off as an equal playing field (apart from the obvious differences in girl and boy bits) with the venom profiles being the same. They spend the first few years of their lives hanging around close to their burrows, which are usually found under rocks, rotting logs and in leaf litter.

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Poisonous Cure
July 27, 2015|Videos

Poisonous Cure

It turns out that a hairy and scary looking spider with fangs to rival Dracula has venom that can kill humans but also has the potential to cure cancer. When researchers exposed components of the venom to breast cancer cells, they died.

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