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Creepy Giant Spider Crab Aggregation
June 22, 2016|Videos

Creepy Giant Spider Crab Aggregation

There is getting crabby… but this is just all out ridiculous! We have never seen soooooo many crabs. We know some people are going to be freaked out, but us? Hey throw is in there and let them crawl over us (did I mention we were a weird bunch??? )

Every year as the waters cool on the southern shores, hundreds of thousands of Giant Spider crabs find their way up on the sandy shallows Rye and Blairgworie in Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne Australia. This happens between May – July ever year and the result is a moving sea of orange crabs that blanket the shallows.

As the name suggests these crabs are massive. Their legs are over 70cm long with a body measuring nearly 17cm wide. They move in organised chaos on 8 long legs. Their weapons, swollen claws. Their mission, seek shelter in the safety of the sandy shallows, moult and in some cases mate.

Like most crustaceans, a hard suit of armour protects these crabs. What it doesn’t allow the crabs to do though is grow. So the crabs need to get rid of the old armour and grow a new bigger one.

To do this, they secrete a special enzyme that separates the old shell from the underlying skin, while a new soft paper-like shell is secreted beneath the old one. The crabs then start absorbing seawater and swell, causing the old shell to come apart. The soldier’s shell then simply opens up like a lid and the crab extracts itself.

Once one crab starts to moult it sets off a chain reaction and the rest of the orange-clad army moult almost simultaneously. Moulting not allows the crabs to grow, it helps to rid them of parasites and other animals growing on their shells including bacteria that can weaken and erode their protective uniform.

It’s thought that by aggregating and moulting together, the less chance they have of getting eaten, a simple case of safety in numbers. During this moulting process, the soft crabs are vulnerable to the mouths of hungry hunters.

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Scaring scorpions makes them more venomous
March 14, 2016|Uncategorized

Scaring scorpions makes them more venomous

Although they look all A-team tough on the exterior with armour-plating and a don’t mess with me stinging tail, scorpions can actually be a bunch of scaredy cats. But don’t take this as a weakness because the scarder (yes that is a word, Google said so…) they are, the more potent their venom becomes. No-one has been able to show this in any other venomous animal.

Here’s how it all goes down (or up in this case..) Scorpions have two components to their venom. One for using in defence against furry animals with sharp teeth such as small marsupials and mice who like to eat scorpions and the other to capture prey such as crickets and spiders.

What researches found was that when the scorpion was regularly exposed to predators i.e the highly frightening frankenmouse, the amount of venom for defence increased and the venom for capturing prey decreased.
Which makes perfect sense, you need to try and give anything that is going to eat you as much whoop-ass as possible which comes in the form of a deadly tail fashioned with a venomous sting.

What is even more amazing is that they can do this within 4 weeks! If a venomous snake tried to pull that off, it would take them generations, which makes it super cool for a scorpion to be a super scary cat. The key message here… embrace your vulnerable side it could give you super powers. Don’t take our work for it, check out the video.

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A venom to kill or cure?
July 26, 2015|Teaser

A venom to kill or cure?

A venom to kill or cure?

Video teaser

Q. What deadly animal has a venom that can kill and also has the potential to cure cancer?

Here’s a clue: Males are wanderers, females are home bodies, they have fangs Dracula would be proud of but no teeth, they suck up their prey like a milkshake and lay tripwires to catch prey.

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