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Flashing 101 – How Chromatophores Work
July 13, 2015|How It Works

Flashing 101 – How Chromatophores Work

Flashing 101 – How Chromatophores Work

Octopus flash, but without the long brown trench-coats. So if you want to make it as a flasher in the marine world, you need a boneless body covered in little bags of coloured pigment. That’s the secret of cephalopods, the group of animals, which the Blue-ringed Octopus belongs to.

The fancy pants name for these little bags of colour are chromatophores and they contain different types of pigments. e.g. melanophores(black), erythrophores (red), xanthophores (yellow), or leucophores (white) when you’re feeling meh… These bags of colour have muscles attached to them, so when the muscles contract the bag opens, and voila…shows the pigment. More muscle contraction equals more colour.

Blue Murder – The Deadly Blue-ringed Octopus
July 13, 2015|Videos

Blue Murder – The Deadly Blue-ringed Octopus

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Video Teaser
July 12, 2015|Teaser

Video Teaser

Video Teaser

Here’s a teaser for our very first video, which will be going live tomorrow so watch out!

Q. What is the only venomous animal on the planet that doesn’t make its own venom?

Here’s a clue it’s not called Sally, it’s jet powered, it also moonlights as a contortionist and can change colour.

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Why On Earth?
July 9, 2015|TNOS

Why On Earth?

Why On Earth?

We’re fascinated with discovery and what we have discovered is fascinating. From giants who have tongues the size of elephants, to insects that control the minds of their victims, and to oddballs who like to set up house in the rear end of other animals.

But here’s the problem…there are so many committed and brilliant minds out there researching natures secrets that they don’t have the time to share their science with the rest of the world. So we felt it was our community duty to do it for them and share it with the world. Plus we thought it would be heaps of fun, quench our insatiable appetite and help answer the calls of nature.

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Who’s Running the Show?
July 5, 2015|People

Who’s Running the Show?

Who’s Running the Show?

So who are we? The three wise monkeys? Wise? Debatable. Monkeys? You bet. We’re a bunch of ratbag scientists, cinematographers and storytellers.

Sheree Marris: She’s the love child of David Attenborough and The Little Mermaid. An Aquatic Scientist, former Young Australian of the Year and award-winning author who’s trying to bring ‘sexy’ back into science (without the support of Justin Timberlake). She’s our dreamer, writer and bossy boots.

Assoc. Professor Jamie Seymour: If you have a thing for science you’ve probably seen his mug on a host of documentaries and you’ll see him on our videos. He works at James Cook University and is an expert in all things venomous and just about everything else (just ask him), which is why he is our go to man for the sciency stuff. Also known as the ‘Jelly Dude’ but we affectionately call him the ‘Nutty Professor.’ Don’t believe us? Just watch the vids.

Jarrod Boord: He’s one talented chap who has the unenviable job of trying to keep Jamie and Sheree focused, which is like trying to herd a bunch of 5 year olds on a sugar high! He brings our ideas and videos to life and somehow makes Jamie look good on camera. He’s an established cinematographer and film maker, specialising in underwater and documentary film-making with multiple awards under his belt, (if we listed them all we would run out of space, so you’ll have to trust us on this one)

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Drop Everything & Run
July 1, 2015|TNOS

Drop Everything & Run

Drop Everything & Run

Drop whatever you’re doing and run fast as you can… To the nearest computer so you’re ready for the launch of our new series of videos, which we will drip-feed you weekly. If we’ve done our job you’ll be coming back for more, plus there’s only so much awesomeness one person can handle in a week.

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The Nature of Science (TNOS) showcases scientific research using our warped sense of humour, brains trust and creativity. See behind the microscopes, beakers and re-breathers as we dig a little deeper into the research and discovery of the natural world. If you want to take a walk on the wild side dust off your lab coats and jump on board as our talented team of scientists and world-class cinematographers use time-lapse and high-speed footage sequences to showcase science and nature like never before.
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