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How TTX Does Its Thang
July 18, 2015|How It Works

How TTX Does Its Thang

How TTX Does Its Thang

Here’s the lowdown on TTX. If you’ve been following our blogs you would have heard about Tetradotoxin (TTX). If not, it’s a kick-ass toxin that is manufactured by bacteria in a range of animals, giving them super powers. Powers that make it super toxic to taste or powers that helps them to dish out death. The tiny Blue-ringed Octopus, uses it to paralyse its prey.

So how does it work?

Ok this needs a little explaining so bear with us… TTX acts directly on nerves. Electrical impulses travel along the nerves towards muscles. This is achieved by moving chemicals through ‘doors’ in the nerve membranes. This movement creates an impulse, which causes muscles to contract.

One important chemical in this ‘moving’ process is sodium (essentially the stuff you find in your salt shaker). This is where TTX comes into the equation. It’s a bit of a thug and prevents the sodium from travelling through the door and into the nerve. No entry through door, means no electrical impulse and therefore no muscle contraction.
The result? Paralysis of the muscles. What does this mean? You can’t move, there’s no escape and you’re eaten alive. A rather unhappy ending if you’re an unfortunate crab or shrimp.

If you’re a human, your diaphragm muscles (the big muscles that cause your lungs to inflate) are paralysed) and you stop breathing Not the ideal situation. But here’s the good news….the effects of TTX wears off over time.

So if you’re ridiculously unlucky to have been bitten, all you need is a friend to give you mouth to mouth for a couple of hours…Not necessarily a bad thing if you’ve secretly got the hots for them. But in all seriousness if this happens conduct mouth to mouth and seek medical attention straight away.

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