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Deadly Jelly Wrestling
February 9, 2016|TNOSVideos

Deadly Jelly Wrestling

Think you could handle a career jelly wrestling? You’ll get sweaty with the long hot sticky nights but here’s a tip – It doesn’t include buxom babes in skimpy bikini’s in a jelly filled blow up pool. For this type of wrestling, your pool is the warm tropical waters of North Queensland and your opponents are pulsating gelatinous jellies with deadly tentacles.

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Why On Earth?
July 9, 2015|TNOS

Why On Earth?

Why On Earth?

We’re fascinated with discovery and what we have discovered is fascinating. From giants who have tongues the size of elephants, to insects that control the minds of their victims, and to oddballs who like to set up house in the rear end of other animals.

But here’s the problem…there are so many committed and brilliant minds out there researching natures secrets that they don’t have the time to share their science with the rest of the world. So we felt it was our community duty to do it for them and share it with the world. Plus we thought it would be heaps of fun, quench our insatiable appetite and help answer the calls of nature.

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Drop Everything & Run
July 1, 2015|TNOS

Drop Everything & Run

Drop Everything & Run

Drop whatever you’re doing and run fast as you can… To the nearest computer so you’re ready for the launch of our new series of videos, which we will drip-feed you weekly. If we’ve done our job you’ll be coming back for more, plus there’s only so much awesomeness one person can handle in a week.

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The Nature of Science (TNOS) showcases scientific research using our warped sense of humour, brains trust and creativity. See behind the microscopes, beakers and re-breathers as we dig a little deeper into the research and discovery of the natural world. If you want to take a walk on the wild side dust off your lab coats and jump on board as our talented team of scientists and world-class cinematographers use time-lapse and high-speed footage sequences to showcase science and nature like never before.
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