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Attack of the killer cone snail
August 13, 2015|Additional infoUncategorizedVideos

Attack of the killer cone snail


It’s not the fastest animal going around, but what the cone shell has is patience, persistence and…… venomous harpoons that makes any animal wish it hadn’t crossed paths with it.


In this little video you can see the stromb shell trying to escape. It usually moves around on a big sticky foot, but dangerous situations like this call for more urgent action, so it uses its foot to jump away.


It’s a case of the tortoise and the hare. The stromb is quick to get out of the way, the cone shell; slow, patient and relentless. When the stromb is exhausted the cone pounces (actually it just slimes its way) on the stromb.


In this video you can see the oral siphon (the pink tip and black and white striped organ) smelling out its prey. When the prey is located and locked in on the cone shells proboscis (the bright orange thingy searching) comes out of the mouth, searches for a weak spot on its prey (in this case the soft flesh of the stromb) and delivers the final blow…. A venom loaded harpoon called a radula which paralyses the stromb and it’s eaten whole.


You can actually see the venom in the water, it’s the cloudy substance that comes out of the snail and to the left of the camera.



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All eyes on the jelly
August 9, 2015|Additional info

All eyes on the jelly

All eyes on the jelly

It’s a box with four corners and 24 eyes. Not the type you would want to pack a present in because the eyes on this box are found in the ocean, on the deadly box jellyfish.


Everything about box jellies are unexpected, they have gadget-like extendable arms, fish for prey, fire venomous harpoons and are mostly water yet they’re the deadliest animals on earth.


But here’s something else extraordinary about these animals that few people know…..they have a whole bunch of eyes, 24 in fact! In the Irukandji box jellyfish the eyes are found in clusters on the bottom of their box-like body, between its dangerous tentacles.


Now this is where it can get a bit tricky, so hang in there. Within each of the four clusters (one cluster for each side of the jelly) there are a total 6 eyes, made up of 3 different types of eyes. You still with us?

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Deadly Water
August 7, 2015|Additional info

Deadly Water

Deadly Water


We like to think that we know a lot about the natural world, but sometimes there are things that just stump us. Take the body composition of jellyfish for example. They’re pretty much all water with a little thickener added, that float around the ocean and make occasional appearances in movies stinging clownfish.


But despite being made up of 96% water, Irukandji and other members of the box jellyfish family are deadly to poor fish folk and at times human folk. The big box jellyfish claiming the title as the deadliest animal on the planet! It can kill a human in less than 2 minutes flat!

Which is bonkers when you think about it. How can an animal, which is basically all water, be so dangerous?

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July 30, 2015|Additional info



They’re like the gangster of the spider world, big, brutish, hairy and downright scary. The kind of spider you wouldn’t want to bump into in a dark alley. Mess with the Sydney Funnel Web Spider and you could find yourself going home in body bag.

Admittedly this spider has a bad reputation and we’re really not helping here. So, appearances and gangster reputation aside, they pretty impressive creatures. Their signature is a set of thick fangs, which would make Dracula blush.

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Big Mouth
July 25, 2015|Additional info

Big Mouth

Big Mouth

At first glance the stonefish doesn’t look like a speedster. They’re bulky and just sit there like a… stone. Well their body does anyway. Their mouth is another story. It’s designed to move independently of the rest of the body, which is all a part of its plan.


Due to its awesome camouflage and tendency to sit statue still, fish don’t see the stonefish when they swim past until it’s too late. What looks like a harmless rock or a cluster of marine algae can turn into a gaping mouth that comes out of nowhere and sucks them in whole.

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Growing a killer garden
July 21, 2015|Additional info

Growing a killer garden

Growing a killer garden

It has the bragging rights as the deadliest fish in the sea, with venomous spines that are lethal. The upside for any fish is that it doesn’t use these spines for hunting. The downside, it’s a master of camouflage.

As the name suggests it looks like…well a rock or stone that blends perfectly into its surroundings. So even if you swam or crawled past the stonefish you wouldn’t see it.

One of the keys to their success are pimple-like glands, called tubercles that cover their bodies. These glands produce and secrete a white milky substance called crynotoxin (meaning toxic skin) that oozes over the body of the stonefish.

This acts like a fertiliser attracting marine plants to grow on it BUT acts as an anti-foullant discouraging animals from settling on their skin.

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